Student Solution


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1 University

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R.A.M. Week 7

R.A.M. Week 7

Q List the characteristics of a total itrian regime and note where you see them in the regime of Stalin and/or Mussolini. Explain how we can connect the regimes of Mussolini, Stalin, and the Kim family of North Korea (Kim Il -Sung, Kim Jong-Il, Kim Jong, Un) to the Great War.

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Totalitarian regimes are often characterized by widespread political repression, an absolute deficient democracy, prevalent personality cultism, total dominance over the economy, immense bowdlerization, mass surveillance, restricted freedom of movement (remarkably freedom to leave the country), and well-known use of state terrorism. Other aspects of a totalitarian regime include the exercise of concentration camps, fierce secret police, religious persecution or state atheism, the regular practice of executions, deceitful elections, probable tenure of armaments of mass destruction, and the ability for state-funded carnage and massacre.